Trip Reports for Willow Creek, Baumgartner, Bridge Creek and Bartine Hot Springs

Fellow soak seekers have graciously contributed the following hot springs trip reports for hot soaks in both Idaho and California. Willow Creek, Baumgartner and Bridge Creek Hot Springs in Idaho from Mandy Hardan Stansell We hit Bridge HS today, and it was silty and full of bacteria mats, but warm. The HS was obviously this …

Off-Season Visit to Bonneville Hot Springs in Idaho What more could you want from a Boise National Forest natural hot spring? One of the best times to visit the massive geothermal complex known as Bonneville Hot Springs is during the off-season, which typically ranges from Oct/Nov through Apr/May. A short hike along a beautiful river leads to a great reward. Don’t forget …

One Fine Idaho Spring Afternoon + Update on The Dipper Hot springing during the “off” season is a pastime favorite of mine. It can be tricky… incessantly contending with icy roads, cold rain, closed access roads, mud, muck, silty pools, spring runoff and on… But, what’s life without a little challenge? The rewards can be bountiful. Solitude. Peace. Tranquility. Renewal. Revitalization. And, maybe… just maybe …

The Return to Skillern IV

Late June 2013 Skillern Hot Springs Trip Report Day 1. The mid afternoon hike out was rough. Under dark skies, with packs on, we trudged through a few miles of Sawtooth backcountry. We were poured on by heavy rain in smothering heat the entire way out, the humidity was so thick you could taste it. …

Kirk… um

What more can I say that hasn’t already been said about Kirkham Hot Springs? Which is excellent, in terms of textile soaking. When driving past the full pullout for Skinnydipper on the way in, I noticed that even the pullouts before and after were akin to overflow parking. Pine Flats and Hot Springs campground had …