One Fine Idaho Spring Afternoon + Update on The Dipper Hot springing during the “off” season is a pastime favorite of mine. It can be tricky… incessantly contending with icy roads, cold rain, closed access roads, mud, muck, silty pools, spring runoff and on… But, what’s life without a little challenge? The rewards can be bountiful. Solitude. Peace. Tranquility. Renewal. Revitalization. And, maybe… just maybe …

Holiday Hot Springing in Boise

So, you’ve finally got some extra time and hot springs have been on your mind. Good news ole chap, there are plenty of options for the intrepid soak-seeker! Old man winter may be hindering access to many of Idaho’s geothermal delights, but not all of them. The quintessential hot springs listed below are usually accessible during Idaho’s …

A Quick Look at Pine Flats

Pine Flats was awesome. Not the soak, but everything else. All of the pools except one tiny soaker up top were too cool (upper 90s) for school. It was just nice to hike around and look for signs of spring. Oh, and no trash to pick up is always a treat. After all of that …

Back to the Basics

Week after week slipped past, until finally, a Tuesday afternoon stepped out of the void and presented itself. It only took a second for me to realize just what exactly this meant. No time for dogs, but I needed an accomplice. Easy. I knew of a geothermal fiend that didn’t have BSU class on Tuesdays. …

Party Goers Rescued from Pine Flats Hot Springs in Idaho

Last Saturday, December 20th, a group of 4 men and 2 women partied it up at Pine Flats Hot Springs in the Boise National Forest, which is located about 1.5 hours north of Boise, Idaho. The source and pools are only about a 0.35 mile hike from the official National Forest campground of the same …

Falling for Pine Flats Hot Springs

Hot Springs Name: Pine Flats Hot SpringsAdditional Info: View complete listing on IHSNear: Lowman, IdahoType: PublicNF: Boise National ForestTrip ReportIt had been a couple months. I was antsy to get out. So, I took off Friday evening for Pine Flats. There’s nothing quite like a hot soak under the stars in Idaho’s backcountry during winter. …