Protect Roadless Forests (note: many hot springs are in roadless areas)

Greetings Everyone,The the management of public roadless forests represents one of the most important issues facing our environment today. This effects all kinds of outdoor recreation enthusiasts, including: fishers, hunters, backpackers and campers. There will be a dramatic reduction of roadless land if we let the 2005 Roadless Rule remain in place.The old rule was …

Western Oregon Residents – BLM Revises Resource Management Plans

Western Oregon residents; here’s your chance to become involved in public lands management…The Bureau of Land Management is revising the six western Oregon Resource Management Plans tiered to the Northwest Forest Plan. The revised plans (to be completed in 2008) will address public lands and resources managed by the Salem, Eugene, Roseburg, Medford, and Coos …

Stop the Biggest Corporate Land Grab in U.S. History

Originally Posted 11.05.05 – Updated 12.02.05The House of Representatives has passed “mining” language that, if it becomes law, would put hundreds of millions of acres of public lands up for sale. One possible result: the mass exclusion of the public from lands the public now owns — lands that hosted over 200 million visitors in …

Choose Your Gas Provider Wisely *UPDATED*

[originally posted August 2005]Purchasing your gas from companies that don’t import oil from the Mid East will lower the overall cost of gas – only if done in large numbers!Companies that import Middle Eastern oil:Shell………… 205,742,000 barrelsChevron/Texaco……… 144,332,000 barrelsExxon/Mobil…………… 130,082,000 barrelsMarathon/Speedway… 117,740,000 barrelsAmoco……………………….62,231,000 barrelsCompanies that don’t:Citgo…………………..0 barrelsSunoco……………….0 barrelsConoco……………….0 barrelsSinclair……………..0 barrelsBP/Phillips……………0 barrelsHess…………….0 barrelsARC0………………….0 barrels(information from the …

Enough is Enough Idaho – Bad Representation in Need of Correction

Once again, 2 animal fighting bills fail in Idaho; HB 232 and 233, felony cockfighting and dog-fighting bills. Making Idaho the only other state besides Wyoming where dog fighting is not a felony. The bills had the support of the small faction of Idaho Democrats, but did not have a single Republican supporter.The failure of …

Time to Take Action!

The Latest Action Alerts!Idaho roadless areas at risk: Learn more and take action!Roadless Wilderness in Idaho at RiskExxpose Exxon again by writing a letter to the Editor of your local paper: Click here to get started!Ask your Senators to support Endangered Species Day Resolution: Take action! Send a letter or make a call here!Save America’s …