Good ol Piney just isn’t the same. The 1st pool you come to (slightly) above the river was too cool for soaking.
The long, skinny pool further up on the mountain side needed some TLC as it was in disrepair and lacked hot soaking temperatures.
The next pool, which lies just past the first, can be found by following the river bed halfway around the corner. This semi-new pool was also too cool for soaking, although it looks like many have made attempts at improving the soaking conditions.
That left the final, waterfall fed pool. This pool turned out to be unreachable; recent warm and rainy conditions have brought the river level up – submerging the path around the river bend. The secondary access route, from above, was too treacherous to attempt. Slick snow and ice coupled with loose mud easily deterred us.
The hike was beautiful, and the many foot soaks in mostly hot water was enjoyable. Walking sticks and trekking poles would definitely aid in the steep decent down to the waterfall fed pool.
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