Kirkham Hot Springs Pronounced “Kirk – UM”

The gate to the campground was still closed despite the lack of snow. A walk through the campground and surrounding area revealed minimal trash, very nice. Usually, this time of year, it’s bad news. I ran into a couple young ladies that were setting up camp for the night after hiking the interpretive trail. Best …

A Quick Look at Pine Flats

Pine Flats was awesome. Not the soak, but everything else. All of the pools except one tiny soaker up top were too cool (upper 90s) for school. It was just nice to hike around and look for signs of spring. Oh, and no trash to pick up is always a treat. After all of that …

Dark Days in Rocky Canyon

Yesterday (Monday), the Boise National Forest Service used sledge hammers to remove the pools at Rocky Canyon Hot Springs despite tremendous public outcry. Rocky was one of those rare, special places that encouraged people to form relationships with nature by merely visiting. It was a place that also fostered environmental stewardship, and even created a …

Last Stand for Rocky Canyon

Any day now a Boise National Forest crew will be removing the hot springs pools at Rocky Canyon Hot Springs. This is wrong. Here’s why:The improved pools are environmentally safe. I guarantee that within a week of removal, new rock pools lined with blue tarps will reappear. Blue tarps look ugly, draw attention to the …