Molly’s, Vulcan and Holdover Trip Reports

I’ve started a new habit at the hot springs, pH testing! Here’s Molly’s Hot Spring And, Holdover Hot Springs Vulcan’s Pool Cave-In The Rundown The sole pool at Molly’s has been reconstructed, complete with valves for hot and hotter (no cold!!!). The pool at Vulcan is indeed gone, but great potential remains. And, Holdover is …

Vulcan Hot Springs Video Flashback

Sadly, the log-dammed pool at mighty Vulcan is no-more due to a wildfire that rampaged the area. In fact, the entire surrounding area has been closed for the last 3 seasons due to wildfire restoration efforts. Basically, the wildfire super-heated the earth around Vulcan… flattening the area where the old log-dammed pool used to snugly …