Take Action Now! Endangered Species Act Under Attack!

California Congressman Richard Pombo’s “extinction bill” is moving forward — and it’s just as bad as we feared. The bill is a nightmare for threatened and endangered species, and ignores the 90 percent of Americans who care about protecting them. One provision states that the government must either allow people to kill endangered species, or …

US Horses Saved from Slaughter for Foreign Consumption, No Thanks to Idaho Senators

The Senate voted on September 20th, 2005 to pass the Ensign-Byrd Amendment to the Senate Agriculture Appropriations Bill effectively banning the slaughter of horses for fiscal year 2006!This is indeed a great victory for horses that are sold for slaughter for Asian consumption.Unfortunately; both of Idaho Senators opposed the Ensign-Byrd Amendment.Here’s your chance to find …

Urge Your Senator to Vote YES on the Ensign-Byrd Amendment to End Horse Slaughter!

I thought you might be interested in this HSUS and ASPCA campaign to protect horses from slaughter. We don’t eat horsemeat here, but tens of thousands of American horses are shipped under inhumane conditions and suffer a terrible fate at one of three foreign-owned slaughterhouses in the U.S. Former show horses, thoroughbreds, ponies, foals, wild …

ExxonMobil is Posting Record Profits – Join the Resistance at ExxposeExxon.com!

On July 28th ExxonMobil announced a record-breaking 2nd-quarter profit of $7.84 billion! Is Exxon using that windfall to invest in more affordable energy alternatives? No! ExxonMobil has decided that it benefits from America’s dependence on oil and it’s fighting tooth and nail to maintain the status quo. (Source: SierraClub)Educate & Activate @ ExxposeExxon.com >