Idaho Bighorns Need Your Clicks!

Bighorn Yearlings
Originally uploaded by RHMiller

Tens of thousands of Bidhorn Sheep once lived in Idaho. Now, there are only an estimated 2,000 Bighorn Sheep statewide due to diseases carried by domestic herds grazing on public lands.

The Payette National Forest is looking for a long-term solution to save the Bighorn Sheep– they need your input today!

There are only six days left in the public comment period. Will you send a message asking public land managers to provide disease-free habitat for Bighorns?

Protecting wildlife from domestic animal diseases is a critical piece to public land management. Payette National Forest land managers can prevent Bighorn and domestic sheep from coming in contact by closing overlapping habitats to the domestic sheep’s grazing.

We could lose Bighorn Sheep in Idaho if we don’t put a long-term solution into place. Deadline to submit comments is March 3rd – Take Action!

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  1. The Forest Service's own data demonstrates that bighorn can only survive if there is less than one contact between bighorn & domestic sheep per year ! Because bighorn sheep are so valuable and because this is a native herd – domestic sheep grazing on the Payette National Forest is an inappropriate use of our public land.

    Tell the Forest Service you support Alternative 7E, no domestic sheep grazing on the Payette National Forest ! It's the only alternative that assures bighorn what the Forest Service itself demonstrates they need to survive.

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