Volunteer Event! Loftus Clean-Up Sunday 02/20/11

by Chris Crawford To kick off our hot springs tour we are looking for some volunteers to help us clean up Loftus. We will go out Sunday 02/20/11 plan to be ready to leave at 10:00 am. Bring warm, and appropriate gear to clean up the land surrounding the hot springs, and a dinner or …

Skinnydipper Clean Up Tuesday 4/6/10

After reading the hotspringsguy’s post on Skinnydipper it is hard to not want to go clean it up! Boise River Volunteers will be having a clean up on Tuesday 4/6/10- we will meet at 10am and clean then soak- plan for this to be an all day event. Tons of trash along with tons of …

Hotsprings campground clean up this Sat 2/27, family friendly trip

This saturday we plan to go up to Hot Springs Campground for a clean up. We do plan to bring some children, and encourage others to feel free to as well. With that we will have a bathig suits mandatory soak at the end and also discourage drinking after the clean up. We plan to meet at the …

Juntura Clean up results

The clean up at Juntura went great! There was a ton of trash, including seemingly endless amounts of carpet buried into the dirt. The soak was great, likely would have been too hot on a summer day, but the cold air made it easy to get comforatable. The pool was a little crowded when we …

Juntura Hot Springs in Oregon Clean-Up 2/7/10

The Boise River Volunteers plan to go out and clean up Juntura Hot Springs located in SE Oregon this weekend. We also plan to cook dinner after we are done cleaning. Anyone who is interested in coming out with us can sign up right here – it’s free (we do like gas chip ins), and …