03.24.07 Trip Report
What a weird and wonderful place Idaho is. Where else can you soak in a hot springs, get some sun and play in the snow all on the same day? The air temperature was about 65 and the water around 104. This was one of those rare times where there’s still mountain snow on the ground, the roads are clear and sun is warm. This is the small window before spring runoff; which last year buried Mile-16 for one of the first times that I’m aware of.
The soak was stellar, and I found NO trash and a freshly filled pool to boot. Did I say there was no trash! Awesome! M16 has some great caretakers. However, I found tons of angler trash along the South Fork and a couple creeks nearby. Shame on you fishermen – I’ve found so much angler trash over the years. Get it together and show the land you take from basic respect. Sheesh.
Please note, the South Fork Salmon River Road (FSR 474/674 North) will be closed the majority of THIS SUMMER due to road construction. So, from June through mid-October 2007 all of the hot springs in this area will get a break.
Rating A+
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“…will get a break.”
Well, not quite.
Those of us who are lucky enough to live and work on the South Fork every summer will make sure 16 Mile is well-visited, even while the road is closed.
And thanks for noticing our cleaning efforts.
–Krassel, America
Jesse? Andrew? is that you guys? I’m the guy’s who’s campsite you rolled your car into last summer. You two were stationed at Krassel, did a little ‘glug glug’ cranked up the Clapton and hit 474 N too fast. Hope you guys are doing well. You sure freaked us out! We were just glad that you two were ok, and didn’t have to drive you guys into McCall for medical care. Jeff Higgley (area Ranger) stopped by our camp in the morning and we didn’t realize you guys were hiding the roll over from him, and talked about it. Hope you didn’t get in too much trouble and learned your lesson, that’s the last thing you should be doing at night on forest roads.
PS: I even have pictures!