Season’s Greeting Soakers
Well, another year has just about come and gone. Many soaks were had, new friends were made and much was learned about hot springs and the environment.
I think the worst thing that happened (to the environment) this year was the implementation of a new Roadless Rule in May. Read more here >
This new rule has dramatically altered management of roadless areas nationwide. With the new Roadless Rule, the best hope for protection lies within the hands of state governors via non-binding petition-based processes. There is some hope as many conservation and environmental organizations are calling for a rollback to the widely supported 2001 Roadless Rule.
The most positive event, or should I say multiple events, are all related to the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR). Despite dirty tactics, like adding ANWR drilling provisions to budget and defense bills, the wildlife refuge is safe – for now. This was one of the rare times Republicans took a stand against the Bush Administration’s destructive policies during a year when drilling seemed imminent.
My best to all of you who tirelessly pick up others trash with a smile on your face.
Happy Holidays!
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