Been a busy couple of months, here’s what I’ve been up to:
- Adding limited Google Maps functionality to the GPS page for Idaho. Only a few HS have been updated, but more are on the way. Once I’ve got ‘em all linked, I’ll put something together like I did for commercial Idaho hot springs.
- Compiling a listing of “The Legends of Hot Springs”, or something like that. Hot Springs already have rich histories, but there are a number of influential individuals that I’d like to acknowledge. This will be a hot springs history lesson you won’t find anywhere else. Here’s the short list:
Skip Hill
Evie Litton
Moss Man (no joke)
Hot Springs Harley
Keeper Ken
NZ Defendress
Scenic Rick
Tim Messing
D & J
… and many others. Got suggestions? Please comment! - Completing the trip report from visiting hot springs in the Middle Fork Boise River area. Codenamed the PIE trip (Poison Ivy Eye).
- Working on a post about the “Gift of the Waters Pageant”, held annually in Hot Springs State Park.
- Listings on IHS for the remainder of all commercial hot springs.
- Trip planning for a possible run at Arizona Hot Springs, near Vegas.
Winter Travel Reminder
Travel and soak safely; check weather, road conditions and webcams before leaving. Then, check again. Especially if you are heading into the backcountry. Pack like you’re going to get stranded a couple days – bring extra food, clothes, water thermometer and sleeping gear. Also, try to not fall into a hot springs with all of your clothes on.
In Idaho (and SE Oregon), most remote backcountry locations do not have cell phone reception. I’ve been through places that are plowed 1-2x/day, weather permitting, and have soaked in pools that freeze the hair on your head, face and inner-nose in seemingly seconds. Just be careful.
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Can't wait to see all the new additions to the site! Keep up the good work! =)